Posted: 11 January 2000
Six new bi-metallic coins commemorating Slovenian history have been released.  The privately produced coins feature designs that were approved by the Bank of Slovenia (the nation's Central Bank), but were rejected by the Slovenian government for political and diplomatic reasons.  Each of the coins is available within Slovenia for their face value of 3 Euros.

The coins are 26mm in diameter with a reeded edge with an 18mm brass center surrounded by a stainless steel outer ring.  They were designed by Zmago Jelincic, who also designed the Slovenia 1993 Battle of Sisek 5, 500 and 5000 Tolarjev coins (KM9,10 & 11).  The six coins were produced by  Zlatarstvo graverstvo Kranj, of Novo Mesto, Slovenia.  The mintage is limited to 2000 pieces for each issue. Slovenia 3 Euros, commmon reverse

The six coins have a common reverse featuring a symbolic picture of the Euro symbol and the number three.  The reverse legend translates as Republic of Slovenia - Three Euros.

The six coins are as follows:

Slovenia 3 Euros 80th Annv. of SHS80th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE SHS.  The SHS was a state of Slovenians,  Croatians and Serbs which  formed from the southern Slav territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the Empire's collapse in World War I.  The state was quickly merged with Serbia and Montenegro to become the Kingdom of Serbs, Croatians and Slovenes that went on to become the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929.  Slovenia emerged as an independent nation from Yugoslavia in 1991.  The coin design features the figure "Verigarji", a man with a torn chain by Ivan Vaupotic.  The design was also used on stamps from that time.  The coin is dated 1999.

Slovenia, 3 Euros Union with Prekmurje80th ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNION WITH PREKMURJE.   Prekmurje was a portion of Hungary with a large Slovenian population.  Control over Prekmurje was given to Slovenia in the Paris Peace Conference following World War I.  The event marks an important step in the development of the modern Slovenian nation.  The coin portrays a flying stork and the years 1919 and 1999.

Slovenia 3 Euros Annexation of Primorska50 YEARS OF THE ANNEXATION OF PART OF PRIMORSKA. A portion of Primorska, a territory on the Italian-Slovenian border was granted to Yugoslavia following World War II as a reward for its guerrilla armies that fought against Italy and Germany in World War II.  The coin portrays the star that was used by members of the "Liberation Front" guerilla that operated in Slovenia in World War II, along with the dates 1947 and 1997.  The design was originally to be issued in 1997 by the National Bank of Slovenia as a commemorative coin, however the Government of Slovenia vetoed the decision and the coin was never issued.  The date, 1999 is shown at the bottom of the obverse.


Slovenia 3 Euros, 150th of United Slovenia150 YEARS OF UNITED SLOVENIA.  The coin commemorates the beginning of modern Slovenian nationalism.  Slovenia first tried to achieve independence during the revolution that swept through the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1848.  The obverse shows a map of Slovenian territories drawn up in 1864 by Peter Kozler, who was then imprisoned by Austrian-Hungarian authorities for his pro-independence activities.  A silhouette of the "Duke's Throne" is incorporated into the map.  The map incorporates portions of what is now Italy, Croatia and Austria.  Though Slovenian National Bank approved the design for use on a commemorative coin in 1998, the Government of Slovenia did not allow the coin to be struck due to  potentially damaging diplomatic repercussions with its neighbors.   The dates 1848, 1998 and the issue date 1999 appear at the bottom of the coin.


Slovenia 3 Euros 1250 Years of Written Slovene Word1250 YEARS OF THE WRITTEN SLOVENE WORD - THE CEDAD SCRIPT.  The coin features the inscription on the alter in Cedad.  The writing, dating back to the year 749, is the first example of the written Slovene language.  The writing on the alter reads "Racisova Ara" which  translates as Duke Racis went to serve God, meaning he gave up his reign and joined a monastery.   The Slovenian National Bank proposed that this coin be issued in 1999, however this proposal was vetoed by the Slovenian Government.

Slovenia 3 Euros Millennium IssueMILLENNIUM.  This coin was issued to honor the new millennium (regardless of when it technically starts).  Though many countries issued official Millennium commemoratives, Slovenia did not.  This coin fills that void.

Joel Anderson
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